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Modern Trends That Inspire New Generation Of Artists

Modern art astonishes with its original form, departing from the accurate depiction of reality’s forms. Thousands of artists are inspired by avant-garde movements such as surrealism and abstract expressionism. Great artists’ modern artistic concepts have become an inspiration for many. Inspired by new trends in art, the creator reveals the flowing energy from contemporary paintings styles.


Op-art is a fascinating trend in contemporary art. To this day, the optical illusions, and light effects trend in art triumphs in contemporary art galleries. This movement can be seen in a variety of art forms, including graphics, fashion, and painting. Op-artists aim to impact the recipient’s visual experience as much as possible, which is why they employ odd visual effects such as geometric figure combinations or a variety of textures. This generates an optical illusion, giving the impression of spatiality or movement to the viewer. Moving about and observing the art from various angles is frequently the requirement for discovering a specific effect. Op-art was most popular in Western Europe and the United States throughout the 1950s and 1960s, however, the style has its big come back on the art scene.

Divin Creador – Letter “X” (


The fact that the content of modern art rises above the work’s form is a sensation. The absence of any references to reality was a characteristic of the abstract expressionism approach.  Colours, in addition to spontaneous brush movements, are the emotional carriers in abstract expressionism paintings. Abstract expressionists contend that what they convey is a primitive picture profoundly embedded in society’s collective psyche, rather than an “abstract.” They believe that their paintings expressed universal truths about the human situation, rather than just feelings.

Greet Helsen – Mountain and Valley V (


Constructivism’s roots can be traced back to the 1920s. Its founders, attempt to move away from connotations with the world of real items by using simple geometric forms in their paintings. Constructivism is one of the art movements that challenged traditional representations by inventing a new quality and set of norms. It is a tendency that posits a new style of creation and formulates its laws, similar to cubism, futurism, and abstractionism. This route is primarily concerned with approaching reality analytically. Constructivism appears to strip reality down into its simplest components, examine them under a microscope, and offer them in a new light.

Sophie Tauber-Arp (Pinterest)


The presence of three-dimensional art has been prominent for quite some time. This form of art makes use of the most recent technological advancements and software capabilities. As a result, the 3D design will shift toward hyper-realistic visualisations, blurring the distinction between graphics and photography. The use of 3D art in conjunction with pictures or flat images will be increasingly more popular.

Roman Bratschi (Pinterest)


Digital art is a type of art that incorporates current technology into the creative process. Digital art is an artistic creation that uses digital mediums such as computers and graphic programs. Painting, drawing, music production, and even sculpting have all been rediscovered because of the influence of digital technology. While digital creation was not initially considered an art, the approach to it has now changed. Digital art is a new media that allows you to make artwork without the mess of paints or other materials that artists often employ. Although it necessitates many of the same abilities as conventional art, it also allows for a whole new type of expression. In other words, instead of painting on canvas or paper, the artist makes works directly on the computer.

Vittorio Bonapace – Electric Rain

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